Excellent App for All Sorts of Users
A gorgeously constructed app that seriously delivers in terms of functionality: its instructive for beginnings and for those looking to brush up alike, and its accessible for users both inside and outside of the fields relevant to the subject matter. I personally preferred using it in conjunction with some of the other related apps to get both the overview and the specific approaches, particularly in gauging the use of the app across contexts and for various purposes (exam review, initial exposure, satisfying curiosity, self-edification, etc.), but it is also fully functional on its own, so long as the information required is that contained within this app as a standalone purchase. One note to keep in mind: the app is understandably (and necessarily) graphic intensive, takes up a lot of space, and requires some power to run with real efficiency--using it with older versions of iOS and/or on the iPad 2, tends to involve some consistent crashing--tend toward newer models for a smoother user experience.
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Muscles & Kinesiology